Anthropos Pro
Make better informed care decisions
Build a rich picture of the daily routines of older people who receive care and support and get Alerts and Actionable Insights about meaningful changes to their lives.
Understand the care needs of older people
Anthropos Pro is a connected care solution for the home. It's installed in an hour and there are no cameras or microphones. All of our devices are unobtrusive.
![Anthropos_House [Recovered]-02](
Anthropos Pro contains
A complete set of wireless, battery-operated sensors and smart plugs, all connected to a mains powered Hub. The devices are unobtrusive and can be hidden away from sight.
Anthropos Pro can be fitted in almost any care setting in under an hour.

Motion Sensors x6

Door Sensors x2

How it works
Sensors in the home build a rich picture of a person's life based on their daily routine, the environment in which they live, the wellbeing and their safety and security

There are times when you can’t be there to support all of the people in your care.
Anthropos Pro identifies key moments when older people need help immediately and sends Alerts through SMS, email and notifications to the dashboard, allowing you to identify what the concern is so you can deal with it straight away.
No Morning Activity
Door Left Open
No Movement in Room
Too Long in Room
Actionable Insights
We are all different, but we are all creatures of habit. Anthropos builds a rich picture of the daily routine of older people living alone.
Anthropos Pro identifies meaningful changes in people's lives, providing Actionable Insights about changes in movement, eating and drinking habits, sleep patterns and more.
Bathroom Visits

Intelligence to support building better care plans
Anthropos Pro offers intelligence through reports and activity graphs that care managers can use to inform changes to care plans.